So, the quarter is almost over, and my final projects are almost done- yay! I only get 10 days between quarters for goofing off, but hopefully I can get some flash stuff done in that time.
Regarding D&D (the animation) -
Dontearse is super excited to record more sound, and I might even have him do some music for me. He isn't half bad on his new flute ^_^. I plan on doing a little remixing with other sounds too- wish us luck. I was a band-geek in high school, so I know music, but I never composed my own other than some blues riffs on my trumpet.
I would like to reach a point where 100% of the sound is "in house." Which would be nice ^_^ It should be fun to start recording sound FX.
The actual cartoon will follow a campaign I run. I have plans for animating the entire thing... which has been running for about a year now. It will be part comedy, part serious. I can't stay serious too long!
The world of the campaign is pretty robust, and some of the campaign has been spent learning what REALLY happened in the past. I am currently debating animating that too.
I'm not sure what else to say about it- so please feel free to ask questions ^_^
~Shawn 'the girl'